You deleted you IBM SmartCloud Application Collaborative Lifecycle Management Service by mistake!
First Don’t worry because you will be able to restore your service with the last backup.Remember, when you provision the SCACLMS, you had the provide a schedule for your daily backup and this backup is done in a separate persistent disk.
When you delete your service, this disk appears in your SCE storage list as CLMSBackup-XXXX. Don’t delete the storage!!! nor the IP address associated with your service, you will need them to restore your service. The IP address must be the same as before, you can not use another one. You received also an unlock key that you had to put in a safe place.
The procedure is quite simple, just go on the SCE portal/Control panel/Service instances and create a new CLMS service and enter the previous IP address along the storage ID. You can find the storage ID using the SCE portal (Control Panel->Storage) under the attribute “storage ID”. Of course, enter the same parameters as before for the other parameters values.
During the provisioning of your new instance the unlock key will be requested, just enter it.
As you are going to restore the service, a new password will be NOT generated.
Also, be advised that as you restore the service from the last backup, the data created between the backup and the deletion of your service will be lost.