Elasticity – Unprecedented Automation & Simplicity in the PureApplication System

By Binh Nguyen on expertintegratedsystemsblog.com

One issue with cloud centric applications is how to effectively and efficiently deploy the applications that provides elasticity or on-demand scalability. The IBM PureApplication System provides a unique way to scale Web applications according to traffic and performance, simplifying the deployment experience, and releasing the administrators from the manual and time consuming error-prone configurations.

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Deploying into the cloud with the IBM Application Pattern for Java

Build and deploy Java virtual applications in minutes

Chris Bailey, Java Service Architect, IBM

Summary:  The IBM Application Pattern for Java lets you easily move any existing Java application into a cloud-based environment and make it reusable as either a platform or a modifiable template. Find out how this pattern works with IBM’s cloud offerings, and get started with step-by-step instructions — including two video demos — for creating, deploying, and monitoring Java virtual applications in a variety of usage scenarios. Continue reading ->

Did you know? SmartCloud Application Services offers a restore option

When you provision the SmartCloud Application Workload Services, you have the option to store all data on an existing volume. For doing that, you just need to create a volume in the same data-center first and an IP address then enter the storage ID and the IP address while provisioning the SmartCloud Application Workload Services. Continue reading

Is pattern enabled infrastructure design put IT architects out of job?

Architect are requested to create the operation model to represent the infrastructure that will support the application.

Now, the question is: With pattern oriented solutions, does an architect still have to create an operational model or is the architect still need to be part of a project once it comes the time of the infrastructure design? Should all infrastructure architect need to be assign to other tasks?  Do we still need operation model as we have patterns ready for different types of workload (ie: webapp, database, Java…). See all existing pattern for the IBM Workload Deployer solution at the PureSystems Center. Continue reading