Pattern-type (Part 17): Tips: How to attach a URL to your pattern

Here a very quick tip, when you deploy a WebApp pattern you can see next to the WAS role the URL (Endpoint) to access your deployed app:
SCAWS Web Application Only Status

This can be easily achieved and just by adding a line in your topology template.

1) Locate the role in the roles array for which you would like to add the link.
2) Insert a line like:

"external-uri": [{"ENDPOINT":"http://{SERVER}:8080/${attributes.appURL}"}],

Now, the question is where the {SERVER} comes from?
When we look at the storehouse, we can see that the {SERVER} is still present in the generated topology and thus I have the feeling that this variable is interpreted by the UI as being the IP address of the server where the WAS role has been deployed.
In fact you can insert any parameters defined in the tweak.json between braces and they will be replaced by their value.

QuickStart with DevOps on IBM SmartCloud Application Services

In this blog, I will explain how you can quickly start with DevOps on IBM SmartCloud Application Services.

The IBM SmartCloud Application Services contains all software you need to run DevOps.

You have access to the ‘Collaborative LifeCycle Management Services’ (CLMS) which will provide the Rational suite (RTC/RRC/RQM). You can also enable the ‘Workload Service’ (WS) which will allows you to quickly deploy a pattern on the IBM SmartCloud Enterprise platform and to connect the dots, you can use the Rational Application Developer (RAD) image available in the IBM SmartCloud Enterprise public catalog. Continue reading

Pattern-type (Part 9): Add the capability to Tweak a virtual application instance.

In this previous article ‘Pattern-type (Part 6): How to add operation with SmartCloud Application Services‘, I explained how to add operation on a pattern-type. Operations provide you the ability to take actions on a deployed pattern/virtual application. These actions can be setting parameters and take actions based on these parameters by launching a specified script and this is done by creating an operation.json file in the appmodel. Continue reading

Pattern-type (Part 8): How to extend an existing pattern-type with SmartCloud Application Services

One of my customer asked me the following question:

“I have my own logging event system and I would like that all log files information of the WebSphere Enterprise Application environment are copied to my logging event system. I don’t want to recreate the full WebApp pattern-type just to add a new functionality. So, how can I leverage the existing WebApp pattern-type and add in it just the functionality I need?” Continue reading

Pattern-type (Part 7): Scaling in/out based on OS metrics with SmartCloud Application Services

In my previous articles Pattern-type (Part 5): Scaling in/out based on your own monitoring collector with SmartCloud Application Services I explained how to Scale in/out using your own monitoring collect (ie: counting files in a directory). In noticed in the documentation (IWD Infocenter) at the end of the page a mention of a ‘CPU’ category and ‘Used’ metrics. This let me think we can re-use some embedded OS metrics in a scaling policy and I will show here how to do it. Continue reading

Pattern-type (Part 6): How to add operation with SmartCloud Application Services

When you define a role in a pattern type, you can associate to this role a number of operations you would like to launch once the pattern is deployed. These operations will be available from the ‘Manage’ panel under the operation tab. Continue reading

Pattern-type (Part 5): Scaling in/out based on your own monitoring collector with SmartCloud Application Services

From the Pattern-type (Part 4): Adding your own monitoring collector to a pattern-type with SmartCloud Application Services, we learned how to add a collector to a pattern-type in order to monitor the deployed services. It was a simple collector counting the number of files in a directory. What I propose in this article is to explain how to leverage this collector to add scaling in/out rules based on the metrics provided by this collector. Continue reading