Pattern-type (Part 15): How to create a client using Python scripts for a shared service on IBM SmartCloud Application Workload Service

The example provided in the PDK is very clear. The idea is to call the shared service by adding some function in your *.py scripts.

In the PDK example, you will find a Python script call ‘’ which contains all methods in order to call your shared service.

You will need only to change, the name of the shared service.

    regInfo = maestro.registry.getRegistry("sample", "1.0")        # Retrieve info on SharedService (IP) so we know where to go
    ipAddr = regInfo['ip']
    jsonResults = pcurlInvoke(ipAddr, "sample", method, sslOpts, url, str(json))       # Drive pcurl method


    regInfo = maestro.registry.getRegistry("poolmanager", "1.0")        # Example to call the poolmanager .
    ipAddr = regInfo['ip']
    jsonResults = pcurlInvoke(ipAddr, "poolmanager", method, sslOpts, url, str(json))       # Drive pcurl method