3) Define and implement the service
In this part, we will create a service that is callable via REST API for that we will need to register a new OSGI service implementing the RegisterProvider interface. This interface defines a getRegistry() method and we will return the IP address as it is a key information for calling REST API defined on a server.
3.1) Define the OSGI files for the service provider
We will use again the ‘New’->’OSGI Service Component’ wizard provided by the PDK plugin but this time set the parameters as following:
service type=Registry Provider
Implementation Class=com.itdove.iwd.lab.PoolManagerRegistryProviderImpl
and click ‘Finish’.
A new OSGI-INF file is created, the MANIFEST.MF is updated and a java class is created.
The minimum package that have to be included in the MANIFEST.MF are:
Import-Package: Import-Package: com.ibm.json.java, com.ibm.maestro.common.http, com.ibm.maestro.common.utils, com.ibm.maestro.model.transform, com.ibm.maestro.model.transform.template, com.ibm.websphere.ras, com.ibm.websphere.ras.annotation, com.ibm.ws.ffdc, com.ibm.maestro.iaas, org.apache.wink.client
3.2) Declare the service in the topology.
We have to declare the newly created serviceRegistryProvider in the topology as follow:
"service-registry": [{
"type": "serviceRegistryProvider"
"vm-templates": [
"persistent": true,
"name": "SharedService-PoolManager",
"roles": [
"parms": {
"poolsize": "$attributes.poolsize",
"type": "PoolManager",
"name": "PoolManager"
"packages": [
3.3) Implement the java class for the service.
You will the java implementation in the PDK sample under the iwd-pdk-workspace/plugin.com.ibm.sample.sharedservice.service/src/com/ibm/service/internal/SampleRegistryProvider.java. The only change you have to do is replace the ‘SharedService-Management’ by the actual name of our service ‘SharedService-PoolManager’.
3.4) Create the API methods.
Now, we have to implement the API methods, we will create 4 methods:
– Get the number of resources in the pool.
– Return true if a given threshold resource is reached.
– Pick a resource from the pool.
– Return a resource to the pool.
3.4.1) Define the API methods:
This is done by creating a file describing the different REST calls. We will put this file as a part of a node-parts.
So, using the PDK plugin ‘New’->’Plug-in Node Part’, enter ‘servicePoolManagerAPI’ as name, the nodeparts/servicePoolManagerAPI directory is created and along with the setup.py.
We create now a properties directory in which will place our API definition called ‘servicePoolManagerAPI.json’
The content is:
{ "servicename":"poolmanager", "operations":[ { "type" : "POST", "parms": [ { "resource":"pool", "clientdeploymentexposure":true, "role":"SharedService-PoolManager.PoolManager", "script": "restapi.py pick", "timeout" : 60000 } ] }, { "type" : "DELETE", "parms": [ { "resource":"pool", "clientdeploymentexposure":true, "role":"SharedService-PoolManager.PoolManager", "script": "restapi.py release", "timeout" : 60000 } ] }, { "type" : "GET", "parms" : [ { "resource":"state", "clientdeploymentexposure":true, "role":"SharedService-PoolManager.PoolManager", "script": "restapi.py state", "timeout" : 60000}, { "resource":"threshold", "clientdeploymentexposure":true, "role":"SharedService-PoolManager.PoolManager", "script": "restapi.py threshold", "pattern":"{arg1}" } ] } ] }
Now, we have to load this file at a given place on the server, this can be done by creating a script in the nodepars/servicePoolManagerAPI/common/install.
import logging import maestro import os logger = logging.getLogger("servicePoolManagerAPI/setup.py") CONFIGDIR = maestro.sharedservice.getJSONCfgDir() FILENAME = '/servicePoolManagerAPI.json' DEST = CONFIGDIR + FILENAME SRC = '../../properties' + FILENAME os.popen('mkdir -p ' + CONFIGDIR) os.popen("mv " + SRC + " " + DEST)
The nodepart must be added in the package for the PoolManager role, so we will modify the config.json accordingly.
"packages": {
"parts": [
"part": "parts/poolmanager.scripts.tgz"
3.4.2) Implement the API.
As you see above, each API will call the restapi.py and as the role is ‘SharedService-PoolManager.PoolManager’, the restapi.py must be created in the PoolManager role. The correct call will be done based on the method, resource and parameter of the request.
The restapi.py file will be created in the PoolManager role scripts next to the configure.py.
and will contains the following code:
import maestro import logging, os, sys, time import gettext import pickle logger = logging.getLogger("PoolManager/restapi.py") parms = maestro.operation['parms'] mode = maestro.operation['method'] filename = "%s/poolsizedata" % maestro.node['scriptdir'] def pick(): global poolSize logger.debug('PoolSize before pick:%s' % poolSize) poolSize = poolSize - 1 logger.debug('PoolSize after pick:%s' % poolSize) maestro.operation['return_value'] = "PoolSizeValue:%s" % poolSize def release(): global poolSize logger.debug('PoolSize before release:%s' % poolSize) poolSize = poolSize + 1 logger.debug('PoolSize after release:%s' % poolSize) maestro.operation['return_value'] = "PoolSizeValue:%s" % poolSize def state(): global poolSize logger.debug('PoolSize at state:%s' % poolSize) maestro.operation['return_value'] = "PoolSizeValue:%s" % poolSize def threshold(): global poolSize logger.debug('PoolSize at threshold:%s = %s' % (parms, poolSize)) threshold = parms['arg1'] if poolSize < int(threshold): maestro.operation['return_value'] = 'Reached:%s' % poolSize else: maestro.operation['return_value'] = 'Not Reached:%s' % poolSize logger.debug('Successfully threshold') def run(): if mode == "pick": pick() elif mode == "release": release() elif mode == "state": state() elif mode == "threshold": threshold() else: maestro.operation['successful'] = False return_msg = "No valid method executed" maestro.operation['return_value'] = return_msg def getPoolSize(): input = open(filename,'rb') poolsizeVar = pickle.load(input) input.close() return poolsizeVar def putPoolSize(): global poolSize poolSizeVar['poolsize']=poolSize output = open(filename,'wb') pickle.dump(poolSizeVar,output) output.close() poolSizeVar = getPoolSize() poolSize = int(poolSizeVar['poolsize']) if poolSize == 0: maestro.operation['successful'] = False maestro.operation['return_value'] = "Pool Empty" else: run() putPoolSize()
PS: You can see that I don’t manage concurrency call, if 2 requests comes concurrently, the value of the poolSize will be uncertain.
As I persist the state of the pool in a file, I have to initialized the file and I will do it in the configure.py and thus the configure.py becomes:
import logging import maestro import pickle logger = logging.getLogger("PoolManager/configure.py") filename = "%s/poolsizedata" % maestro.node['scriptdir'] output = open(filename,'wb') poolsize = maestro.parms['poolsize'] poolsizeVar = {'poolsize':poolsize} pickle.dump(poolsizeVar, output) output.close()
BTW: the maestro.node[‘scriptdir’] is maybe not the best place to save data but it is just for the demo.