Build and deploy Worklight application from Worklight Studio to SCAWS

In this article, I will explain how to setup the “SCAWS pattern deployer” in order to deploy Worklight application on SCAWS. Go on Worklight Trial on SmartCloud Application Service page to get register![youtube][/youtube]

From you Worklight Studio environment and from the “SCAWS pattern deployer” view, click on the “green plus” of the view to create a new connection.

1) Create a connection to the WS environment.
WLSCAWS Pattern deployer Create Connection

2) Import the instance under the pattern:
Once the pattern is deployed in SmartCloud Application Workload Service:
WLSCAWS pattern deployer WL pattern running

Right-click on the Connection element and select “import instance”, select the instance and click ok.
WLSCAWS pattern deployer Import InstanceWLSCAWS pattern deployer WL Instance impoted

3) Import operations from template:
You can create the operation manually by selecting the “add opertions” and “add artifacts” from the context menu but the plugin provides you to import operation for a specific pattern using a template. The Worklight Template is available in the SCE RAM asset you downloaded and unziped. In the directory where you unzip the asset, you will find a file called “Worklight_Template.xml”, then right click your worklight instance and select “import operations from template”, navigate to the “Worklight_Template.xml” file and select it.
WLSCAWS pattern deployer Import operations

4) Set the wlapp and adapter as archive file:
Double click on the “archive” element and enter the following value, in this case, the application I would like to deploy is the “WorklightStarter” application and thus the “Artifact” could have a different path in your case and the “pattern artifact name” is the name of your application file, you setup in your pattern as wlapp.

WLSCAWS pattern deployer Set artifact wlapp

Do the same for the adapter:

WLSCAWS pattern deployer Set artifact adapter

5) Build your adapter and application.

6) Publish the adapter and application from the plugin.
Once the adapter and the application are build, you can right-click on the instance and choose “publish”.

If you have questions, please read this.