In this article, I will explain how to setup the “SCAWS pattern deployer” in order to deploy Worklight application on SCAWS. Go on Worklight Trial on SmartCloud Application Service page to get register![youtube][/youtube]
From you Worklight Studio environment and from the “SCAWS pattern deployer” view, click on the “green plus” of the view to create a new connection.
1) Create a connection to the WS environment.
2) Import the instance under the pattern:
Once the pattern is deployed in SmartCloud Application Workload Service:
Right-click on the Connection element and select “import instance”, select the instance and click ok.
3) Import operations from template:
You can create the operation manually by selecting the “add opertions” and “add artifacts” from the context menu but the plugin provides you to import operation for a specific pattern using a template. The Worklight Template is available in the SCE RAM asset you downloaded and unziped. In the directory where you unzip the asset, you will find a file called “Worklight_Template.xml”, then right click your worklight instance and select “import operations from template”, navigate to the “Worklight_Template.xml” file and select it.
4) Set the wlapp and adapter as archive file:
Double click on the “archive” element and enter the following value, in this case, the application I would like to deploy is the “WorklightStarter” application and thus the “Artifact” could have a different path in your case and the “pattern artifact name” is the name of your application file, you setup in your pattern as wlapp.
Do the same for the adapter:
5) Build your adapter and application.
6) Publish the adapter and application from the plugin.
Once the adapter and the application are build, you can right-click on the instance and choose “publish”.
If you have questions, please read this.