Install “SCAWS pattern deployer” on IBM Worklight Studio

This article explains how to Install the “SCAWS pattern deployer” on IBM Worklight Studio. It is part of a series of articles concerning the “IBM Worklight usage on IBM SmartCloud Application Services”. Go on Worklight Trial on SmartCloud Application Service page to get register!

The ‘SCAWS pattern deployer’ allows you to connect to one or multiple SCAWS instances, retrieves the available patterns, deploy and delete them. The plugin also allows you to deploy your application from your Worklight Studio environment to the SmartCloud Application Workload Service.

This is an optional step because you can also upload your application via the SmartCloud Application Workload Service console (see chapter “Upload Worklight Application and Adapter from the SCAWS console”).

The plugin can be downloaded from the SCE Asset Catalog here, in order to download it you will need to have an access to SmartCloud Enterprise (for more information follow this link).

Download the asset by clicking on “Download this Asset”:
SCAWS pattern deployer Asset Catalog


The documentation provides the installation guide. The main steps are:

  1. Unzip the download file, in your preferred directory.
  2. Download the apache wink library version 1.2.1-incubator.
  3. Set the WINK_HOME environment variable.
  4. Install the plugin in Eclipse.Details are explained in the documentation.

If you have questions, please read this.